Four Stories review / Pale Lights band

Tweet Tweet!Jigsaw Records is a record shop and mail order whatsit that specializes in indiepop, power pop, indie rock, lo- fi pop, twee, and pretty much any other kind of fun pop music that they fancy, has the new single in stock.

Also SoundsXP, a London based has given the single a very nice review - thanks chaps! When we recorded Dear Claire I asked Kyle to try and make the organ sound a bit like The Chills. SoundsXP noticed. Good skills Kyle! We love The Chills. We nearly did a live cover of Doledrums, but we chickened out. Maybe one day...

Hopefully the single will be appearing in a few more shops soon, including Norman Records, and Pebble Records in the UK, Hands & Arms in France, Insound in the US, and a few more places too.

While Dora is away at grad school, Pale Lights is a new band featuring Phil, Lisa, and Andy, who play in the Soft City. Phil writes and sings (like he did on the first Soft City EP, before Dora joined), Lisa drums, and Andy plays guitar. In addition their friend Maria plays bass. They will be playing their second show at Otto's Shrunken Head, E14th St., NYC, Oct. 10th. They'll be recording sometime before the end of the year. It'll be messier than the Soft City, but hopefully still pretty!

Posted byThe Soft City at 7:55 PM 0 comments